InternationalMenNewsWomenSenior International Representation 2023/24

3rd February 2023

2023 and 2024 offer some exciting senior international representation opportunities at both World (FIPJP) and European (CEP) levels for PE Members in both Men’s and Women’s categories.

We have produced a downloadable document which explains the process we will follow to find the players that will represent our country.

2022 was a very successful year for us at international level in that we medalled for the very first time in both Men’s and Women’s Doubles in the European Championships. Our coaches provided great support and our players performed well across several competitions which took place as we emerged from the COVID-19 pandemic. The report we produced that covered our achievements in 2021 and 2022 is available to view here.

Subject to the eligibility rules set out in the new document, all PE members can enter the rankings competitions which for the first time will be divided between Triples and Singles/Doubles formats for both Men and Women. It is possible to enter for one or both separate rankings depending on player preferences. There is also no requirement to play in the same teams as the ranking points are individual. Our assessment of successful teams over recent years does suggest however that competing in the same teams offers a distinct competitive advantage, but we did not wish to exclude our members who for whatever reason are unable to play in the same team at all the competition days.

The entry fees for our ranking competitions remain the same as last year and are £15 per player per competition day. Our competitions will be managed electronically via the new Sport80 online membership system. Members will be able to enter by logging in to their account and we will make a further announcement when entries are open.

The very best of luck to all our members competing in 2023 and we look forward to seeing some top level play throughout the 7 separate competition days allocated in our National Calendar. We are grateful for the support of PE’s Events Team who will strive as always to ensure that everyone has a great experience on the pitch. We also look forward to the input of PE’s Umpires who are always an important ingredient in the success of our competitions.

(Click on image to view document)

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